Thursday, May 31, 2018
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Jake on the Poor People's Campaign
A repost from Detroit Jews for Justice member Jake Ehlich
May 25, 2018
For the past two Mondays, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of joining the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) in Lansing as part of their “40 Days of Moral Action.”
The PPC is committed to the lofty goals of ending the “four evils” (following Dr. King) of racism, militarism, poverty and environmental devastation, and recognizes that this cannot be accomplished through policy change alone. Invoking Dr. King, a national “revolution of values” is in order. These demonstrations in Lansing are not merely rallies or gatherings, but opportunities for what the PPC calls “moral fusion direct action:” principled and nonviolent use-of-self that serves to not only raise awareness for the plight of the impacted and to discomfort those in power, but to physically effect the sort of moral revival that the campaign calls for. An opportunity to pray with your feet, to invoke Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s famous statement about his participation in the 1965 Selma-Montgomery March. This past Monday morning, on the tail end of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot -- the commemoration of the Israelites’ reception of the Torah at Mt Sinai, which in ancient times was celebrated with pilgrimage to the Temple -- I certainly saw my participation in Lansing through the lens of Judaism, tapping not only my sense of spirituality, but of holy obligation to pursue justice. (“Tzedek, tzedek tirdof” - Deuteronomy 16:18) With this in mind, I wore my tallis and yarmulke -- both out of an authentic sense of prayerfulness, and a knowledge of the strategic optics of clergy and clergy-esque folks standing in protest.
Those of us who had been oriented to the Poor People’s Campaign approach to nonviolent direct action gathered in a church prior to the day’s events to sit in prayer, center ourselves, and develop relationships with one another, before joining up with a larger cadre of supporters who were busy making signs, singing rousing movement songs, and preparing themselves for the day. As we discussed our intentions and hopes for the day, a question arose about the value of risking arrest in performative protest. Reverend Bill Wylie-Kellerman, a retired pastor with a storied history of protest and direct action under his stole (including being one of the Homrich 9, who physically obstructed the private company from performing water shut-offs in Detroit) responded that recent years have been characterized by a dramatic watering-down of political activity, thanks to social media slacktivism. It’s about putting your weight into the movement, he explained, and “this” -- he lovingly chided, while pantomiming the click of a mouse -- “isn’t too much weight.” He further explained that direct action is all about the body: putting one’s body in a forbidden space, physically challenging and disrupting business-as-usual in an oppressive context. I understood this as also having an internal benefit, promoting a sense of “skin in the game” for allies whose participation is voluntary rather than imposed from without. A voice piped up from our circle and offered a teaching from the radical priest Daniel Berrigan: “Faith is not seated in the head, or in the heart. It’s about where you put your ass.” This day, we -- a mixture of young and old, clergy and laypeople, men and (mostly) women, black and white folks, seasoned activists and newly-politicized allies alike -- would be taking our faith and our asses to the Department of Health and Human Services, or, as Sylvia Orduño (of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization) corrected, “the Department of Harm and Human Suffering.”
May 25, 2018
For the past two Mondays, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of joining the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) in Lansing as part of their “40 Days of Moral Action.”
The PPC is committed to the lofty goals of ending the “four evils” (following Dr. King) of racism, militarism, poverty and environmental devastation, and recognizes that this cannot be accomplished through policy change alone. Invoking Dr. King, a national “revolution of values” is in order. These demonstrations in Lansing are not merely rallies or gatherings, but opportunities for what the PPC calls “moral fusion direct action:” principled and nonviolent use-of-self that serves to not only raise awareness for the plight of the impacted and to discomfort those in power, but to physically effect the sort of moral revival that the campaign calls for. An opportunity to pray with your feet, to invoke Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s famous statement about his participation in the 1965 Selma-Montgomery March. This past Monday morning, on the tail end of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot -- the commemoration of the Israelites’ reception of the Torah at Mt Sinai, which in ancient times was celebrated with pilgrimage to the Temple -- I certainly saw my participation in Lansing through the lens of Judaism, tapping not only my sense of spirituality, but of holy obligation to pursue justice. (“Tzedek, tzedek tirdof” - Deuteronomy 16:18) With this in mind, I wore my tallis and yarmulke -- both out of an authentic sense of prayerfulness, and a knowledge of the strategic optics of clergy and clergy-esque folks standing in protest.
Those of us who had been oriented to the Poor People’s Campaign approach to nonviolent direct action gathered in a church prior to the day’s events to sit in prayer, center ourselves, and develop relationships with one another, before joining up with a larger cadre of supporters who were busy making signs, singing rousing movement songs, and preparing themselves for the day. As we discussed our intentions and hopes for the day, a question arose about the value of risking arrest in performative protest. Reverend Bill Wylie-Kellerman, a retired pastor with a storied history of protest and direct action under his stole (including being one of the Homrich 9, who physically obstructed the private company from performing water shut-offs in Detroit) responded that recent years have been characterized by a dramatic watering-down of political activity, thanks to social media slacktivism. It’s about putting your weight into the movement, he explained, and “this” -- he lovingly chided, while pantomiming the click of a mouse -- “isn’t too much weight.” He further explained that direct action is all about the body: putting one’s body in a forbidden space, physically challenging and disrupting business-as-usual in an oppressive context. I understood this as also having an internal benefit, promoting a sense of “skin in the game” for allies whose participation is voluntary rather than imposed from without. A voice piped up from our circle and offered a teaching from the radical priest Daniel Berrigan: “Faith is not seated in the head, or in the heart. It’s about where you put your ass.” This day, we -- a mixture of young and old, clergy and laypeople, men and (mostly) women, black and white folks, seasoned activists and newly-politicized allies alike -- would be taking our faith and our asses to the Department of Health and Human Services, or, as Sylvia Orduño (of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization) corrected, “the Department of Harm and Human Suffering.”
Friday, May 25, 2018
What to expect for May 29th in Lansing
Hello! Thank you for pledging your support for the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. We have had two very successful actions so far (May 14th and 21st), and we are counting on you to make our next action even larger!
Please note that this week’s action will be on TUESDAY, May 29. Earlier calendars had shown the event as scheduled for Monday—our apologies for the confusion.
We are organizing for collective action across the nation to show unity across lines of division. This week’s theme is: The War Economy: Militarism and the Proliferation of Gun Violence.
The schedule for Tuesday, May 29 is as follows:
11:00 am People trained and ready for Direct Action will gather at First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI with their support people. They will engage in further training and action planning from 11:00-12:30.
12:00 pm Gathering and registration for rally participants (those who will be witnessing but will not otherwise be involved in the direct action). This will also be at First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI.
12:30 pm -1:30 pm All participants, lunch and pre-rally, at First Presbyterian Church
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm March to the capitol building and rally.
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action at the capitol building.
[Please note: Only those who have been trained will be participating in the Direct Action. The rest will stand with our brothers and sisters, while they take action. There will be another Direct Action training in Detroit on June 9. Please register here and the location of the event will be sent to you.]
Please note that this week’s action will be on TUESDAY, May 29. Earlier calendars had shown the event as scheduled for Monday—our apologies for the confusion.
We are organizing for collective action across the nation to show unity across lines of division. This week’s theme is: The War Economy: Militarism and the Proliferation of Gun Violence.
The schedule for Tuesday, May 29 is as follows:
11:00 am People trained and ready for Direct Action will gather at First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI with their support people. They will engage in further training and action planning from 11:00-12:30.
12:00 pm Gathering and registration for rally participants (those who will be witnessing but will not otherwise be involved in the direct action). This will also be at First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI.
12:30 pm -1:30 pm All participants, lunch and pre-rally, at First Presbyterian Church
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm March to the capitol building and rally.
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action at the capitol building.
[Please note: Only those who have been trained will be participating in the Direct Action. The rest will stand with our brothers and sisters, while they take action. There will be another Direct Action training in Detroit on June 9. Please register here and the location of the event will be sent to you.]
- Detroit: If you need a ride, please sign up here
- Washtenaw County: If you need or can offer a ride, click here.
- PARKING - No parking is available at First Presbyterian Church; however, ample free parking is available at Union Missionary Baptist Church (500 S Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, at I-496), where shuttle service will be provided to transport people to First Presbyterian Church on 510 W. Ottawa and back to the parking after the rally / action.
- There are also many pay-for-parking structures in the Capitol area. Click this website for maps and information about parking from the State of Michigan: http://www.capitol.michigan.
- LUNCH - Bring a bag lunch if you can; light lunch food will also be provided. Please bring monetary donations and food to share - boxes of single serve bags of chips, granola bars or other snacks, bags of apples/oranges/bananas.
- WATER- Please bring a refillable water bottle with you. We will have water coolers for you to refill your bottle onsite. A limited number of disposable cups and refillable water bottles will be available. In solidarity with those that do not have access to clean, safe water, please do not bring any commercially bottled water with you, regardless of brand or source.
- ACCESSIBILITY- First Presbyterian Church is fully accessible. Our march will be about 4 blocks each way.
- CHAIR: Please bring a folding/bag chair if possible for yourself or to share at the outside rally.
- WEATHER- Prepare for Michigan weather: sunscreen, hats, umbrellas and raincoats.
- DONATIONS- There are many ways to show your financial support for the campaign:
- 1) There will be donation buckets at our events.
- 2) Checks payable to People’s Water Board - In the memo line, be sure to write MI PPC. Checks can be mailed to People's Water Board c/o EMEAC, 4605 Cass Ave Detroit, MI 48201.
- 3) Online donations can be made at MI PPC Online Donations – Please be sure to designate the donation is for MI-PPC.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
WLNS 6 News Lansing reports on MI PPC arrests at MI DHHS
Reposted from WLNS 6 on May 21, 2018
The organizers tell 6 News the protesters were blocking the entrance of the state Department of Health and Human Services when the arrests happened.
This is the second of six protests as part of a nationwide movement. The movement calls for racial, economic, environmental and immigration justice.
During the first protest, organizers say there were no arrests. They added there could be more at the next rally.
"We do anticipate that people will risk arrest," Ed Rowe, one of the protesters, said. "We don't know whether they will be arrested or not, but we pray if 30 states are acting together all at once, somebody might actually pay attention."
6 News reached out to Michigan State Police, who said more information would be released sometime Monday night.
Multiple arrested at 'Poor People's Campaign' in Lansing
LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) -- - Organizers of the Michigan "Poor People's Campaign" say 16 people were arrested during a rally Monday.
The organizers tell 6 News the protesters were blocking the entrance of the state Department of Health and Human Services when the arrests happened.
This is the second of six protests as part of a nationwide movement. The movement calls for racial, economic, environmental and immigration justice.
During the first protest, organizers say there were no arrests. They added there could be more at the next rally.
"We do anticipate that people will risk arrest," Ed Rowe, one of the protesters, said. "We don't know whether they will be arrested or not, but we pray if 30 states are acting together all at once, somebody might actually pay attention."
6 News reached out to Michigan State Police, who said more information would be released sometime Monday night.
Monday, May 21, 2018
We Are America by Jeffrey Taite
This poem entitled, "We Are America,"was graciously shared with the Michigan Poor People's Campaign by Jeffrey Taite AKA Jeffrey Bronze Eagle, Choctaw and Creek JBE. May 20, 2018.
Last Minute Details for Michigan's 2nd Moral Monday - May 21
Dear Michigan PPC Family,
Below is important last minute information about the events in Lansing tomorrow, Monday, May 21st!
Thank you for pledging your support for the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
Our first action on Monday, May 14 was a great success with a large turnout; on Monday, May 21, we are counting on you to make this action even larger!
Details for Monday, May 21
Connecting Systematic Racism / Mass Incarceration / Economic Justice with Voting Rights and Just Immigration
First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI
Those who are participating in Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action AND have been previously trained for the Direct Action, along with their support person, must arrive at First Presbyterian by 11:00.
11:00 am -12:30 pm - Phase 2 of training and specific instructions. All others who are not participating in Direct Action, but are intending to rally should arrive at First Presbyterian at noon:
Noon-12:30 pm- Gathering and Registration
12:30 pm -1:30 pm - Lunch and Pre-Rally
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - March and Rally in Nearby Reutter Park (Kalamazoo Street between Capitol and Townsend)
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm - Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action at the Michigan Department of Human Services, 235 South Grand, Lansing MI. Again - Only those who have been trained will be participating in the Direct Action. The rest will stand with our brothers and sisters, while they take action. (Please share at registration your interest for being involved with future planning, volunteering, or Direct Action training.)
PARKING - No parking is available at First Presbyterian Church; however, ample free parking is available at Union Missionary Baptist Church (500 S Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, at I-496), where shuttle service will be provided to transport people to First Presbyterian Church on 510 W. Ottawa and back to the parking after the rally / action. There are also many pay-for-parking structures in the Capitol area. Click this website for maps and information about parking from the State of Michigan:
LUNCH - Bring a bag lunch if you can; light lunch food will also be provided. Please bring monetary donations and food to share - boxes of single serve bags of chips, granola bars or other snacks, bags of apples/oranges/bananas.
WATER- Bottled water is banned from this event. Please bring a refillable water bottle with you. We will have water coolers for you to refill your bottle onsite. A limited number of disposable cups will be available.
ACCESSIBILITY- First Presbyterian Church is fully accessible. Our march will be about 6 long blocks each way. Limited shuttle service to the rally location will be available for those that need it. Please bring a folding/bag chair if possible for yourself or to share at the outside rally.
WEATHER- Prepare for Michigan Weather: sunscreen, hats and rain gear.
DONATIONS- Financial donations can be made directly on Monday or at other events. Checks payable to People’s Water Board - In the memo line, be sure to write MI PPC. Checks can also be mailed to People's Water Board c/o EMEAC4605 Cass Ave Detroit, MI 48201.
We need your participation and those of your family, friends, faith communities and supportive organizations, this week and in the future.
Come join us every day you are able!
Monday, May 21 - Connecting Systematic Racism / Mass Incarceration / Economic Justice with Voting Rights and Just Immigration
Tuesday, May 29 - Veterans, War Economy, Militarism
Monday, June 4 - Right to Health - Ecology, Justice in Health, Water, Extreme Extraction (Fracking), Climate Change, Health Care
Monday, June 11 - "Everybody's Got A Right to Live" - Living Wages, Guaranteed Income, Housing, Social Services
Monday, June 18 - "New / Unsettling Force" - Challenging Nation's Moral Narrative - Fusion Movement Rising Up
We are grateful for your support and look forward to Moving Forward Together and Not One Step Back!
Yours In Justice,
Michigan Poor People's Campaign Coordinating Committee
Below is important last minute information about the events in Lansing tomorrow, Monday, May 21st!
Thank you for pledging your support for the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
Our first action on Monday, May 14 was a great success with a large turnout; on Monday, May 21, we are counting on you to make this action even larger!
Details for Monday, May 21
Connecting Systematic Racism / Mass Incarceration / Economic Justice with Voting Rights and Just Immigration
First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI
Those who are participating in Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action AND have been previously trained for the Direct Action, along with their support person, must arrive at First Presbyterian by 11:00.
11:00 am -12:30 pm - Phase 2 of training and specific instructions. All others who are not participating in Direct Action, but are intending to rally should arrive at First Presbyterian at noon:
Noon-12:30 pm- Gathering and Registration
12:30 pm -1:30 pm - Lunch and Pre-Rally
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - March and Rally in Nearby Reutter Park (Kalamazoo Street between Capitol and Townsend)
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm - Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action at the Michigan Department of Human Services, 235 South Grand, Lansing MI. Again - Only those who have been trained will be participating in the Direct Action. The rest will stand with our brothers and sisters, while they take action. (Please share at registration your interest for being involved with future planning, volunteering, or Direct Action training.)
PARKING - No parking is available at First Presbyterian Church; however, ample free parking is available at Union Missionary Baptist Church (500 S Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, at I-496), where shuttle service will be provided to transport people to First Presbyterian Church on 510 W. Ottawa and back to the parking after the rally / action. There are also many pay-for-parking structures in the Capitol area. Click this website for maps and information about parking from the State of Michigan:
LUNCH - Bring a bag lunch if you can; light lunch food will also be provided. Please bring monetary donations and food to share - boxes of single serve bags of chips, granola bars or other snacks, bags of apples/oranges/bananas.
WATER- Bottled water is banned from this event. Please bring a refillable water bottle with you. We will have water coolers for you to refill your bottle onsite. A limited number of disposable cups will be available.
ACCESSIBILITY- First Presbyterian Church is fully accessible. Our march will be about 6 long blocks each way. Limited shuttle service to the rally location will be available for those that need it. Please bring a folding/bag chair if possible for yourself or to share at the outside rally.
WEATHER- Prepare for Michigan Weather: sunscreen, hats and rain gear.
DONATIONS- Financial donations can be made directly on Monday or at other events. Checks payable to People’s Water Board - In the memo line, be sure to write MI PPC. Checks can also be mailed to People's Water Board c/o EMEAC4605 Cass Ave Detroit, MI 48201.
We need your participation and those of your family, friends, faith communities and supportive organizations, this week and in the future.
Come join us every day you are able!
Monday, May 21 - Connecting Systematic Racism / Mass Incarceration / Economic Justice with Voting Rights and Just Immigration
Tuesday, May 29 - Veterans, War Economy, Militarism
Monday, June 4 - Right to Health - Ecology, Justice in Health, Water, Extreme Extraction (Fracking), Climate Change, Health Care
Monday, June 11 - "Everybody's Got A Right to Live" - Living Wages, Guaranteed Income, Housing, Social Services
Monday, June 18 - "New / Unsettling Force" - Challenging Nation's Moral Narrative - Fusion Movement Rising Up
We are grateful for your support and look forward to Moving Forward Together and Not One Step Back!
Yours In Justice,
Michigan Poor People's Campaign Coordinating Committee
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Last Minute Details for Michigan's First Moral Monday - May 14
Hello Michigan!
We look forward to gathering with you tomorrow -- Monday, May 14th at the State Capitol in Lansing. Here's everything you need to know for this week and the next 40 days!
The Poor People’s Campaign (PPC): A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality. We need you to step up and join our efforts.
We are mobilizing for 40 Days of Mass Action, rallies and demonstrations around the country. Learn more on the Michigan PPC facebook page and this new Michigan PPC website. Future Lansing actions take place every Monday (except on Tuesday, May 29) for the next six weeks.
Location: Central United Methodist Church, 215 N. Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933 across the street from the State Capitol.
(Note: Those participating in the PPC Orientation and Program and Rally are not meeting at First Presbyterian Church, as may have been reported elsewhere in error)
10:00 am: Doors open and PPC registration and check-in begins
11:00 am: PPC orientation, overview, testimonials, song learning and rally instructions
12:30 pm: Light lunch provided, church clean up
1:30 pm: Start walking to the State Capitol steps (East lawn)
2:00 pm: Michigan Poor People’s Campaign Rally
3:00 pm: Non-violent moral fusion Direct Action by trained participants only -- to be witnessed and morally reinforced by PPC Pledge Card signers and supporting Michiganders.
Again, the Direct Action is to be carried out only by persons who have participated in Nonviolent Moral Fusion Direct Action Training. To train for future weeks of Direct Action training sign up at MI PPC Registration
We look forward to gathering with you tomorrow -- Monday, May 14th at the State Capitol in Lansing. Here's everything you need to know for this week and the next 40 days!
The Poor People’s Campaign (PPC): A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality. We need you to step up and join our efforts.
We are mobilizing for 40 Days of Mass Action, rallies and demonstrations around the country. Learn more on the Michigan PPC facebook page and this new Michigan PPC website. Future Lansing actions take place every Monday (except on Tuesday, May 29) for the next six weeks.
Poor People’s Campaign Orientation and ProgramLocation: Central United Methodist Church, 215 N. Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933 across the street from the State Capitol.
(Note: Those participating in the PPC Orientation and Program and Rally are not meeting at First Presbyterian Church, as may have been reported elsewhere in error)
10:00 am: Doors open and PPC registration and check-in begins
11:00 am: PPC orientation, overview, testimonials, song learning and rally instructions
12:30 pm: Light lunch provided, church clean up
1:30 pm: Start walking to the State Capitol steps (East lawn)
2:00 pm: Michigan Poor People’s Campaign Rally
3:00 pm: Non-violent moral fusion Direct Action by trained participants only -- to be witnessed and morally reinforced by PPC Pledge Card signers and supporting Michiganders.
Again, the Direct Action is to be carried out only by persons who have participated in Nonviolent Moral Fusion Direct Action Training. To train for future weeks of Direct Action training sign up at MI PPC Registration
Friday, May 11, 2018
Get text message phone alerts
Text MORAL or ACTION to 90975
to get Poor People's Campaign text message alerts on your mobile telephone

Or, open this QR code to text MORAL to 90975

Thursday, May 10, 2018
Everybody's Got a Right to Live! Music video
This campaign's bringing together the old with the new including a little bit of hip hop. "Everybody's got a right to live, and before this Campaign fails, we'll all go down to jail!"
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Donate to MI PPC -- help us build this campaign
We've now got a way that Michiganders can contribute to the organizing and outreach work of the Poor People's Campaign in our great state. Click on the MI PPC donate page to learn how you can make an online contribution or mail in a check.
The Poor People's Campaign is grassroots led and mobilized by everyday people in Michigan cities across the state. Nearly 1,600 Michiganders so far have signed PPC Pledge Cards linking us with millions of residents in 38 U.S. states and DC who have signed Pledge Cards too.
Please join the campaign and contribute to this work in any way that you can. We've listed several types of ways you can offer solidarity and support on the donate page. Thank you!
The Poor People's Campaign is grassroots led and mobilized by everyday people in Michigan cities across the state. Nearly 1,600 Michiganders so far have signed PPC Pledge Cards linking us with millions of residents in 38 U.S. states and DC who have signed Pledge Cards too.
Please join the campaign and contribute to this work in any way that you can. We've listed several types of ways you can offer solidarity and support on the donate page. Thank you!
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Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Poor People's Campaign Pledge Card
Have you signed a PPC Pledge Card?
Let us know loud and clear that you will join this national campaign for moral revival and justice.
We have them available in English and Spanish. Please download, print and take a copy with you to Lansing. You can also scan and email it to MI PPC.
Let us know loud and clear that you will join this national campaign for moral revival and justice.
We have them available in English and Spanish. Please download, print and take a copy with you to Lansing. You can also scan and email it to MI PPC.
Monday, May 7, 2018
Register for MI PPC events in Lansing, May 14
Hey Michiganders! In only one week thousands of us will gather in Lansing for six weeks, along with millions of people in 38 states to say NO to poverty, inequality, systemic racism, ecological destruction and war; and say YES to a National Call for Moral Revival.
Register today and spread the word in your communities, on facebook and in your places of work, schooling and faith-based gathering.
Register today and spread the word in your communities, on facebook and in your places of work, schooling and faith-based gathering.

Friday, May 4, 2018
Poverty Is Violence - 'America Will Be' video
This second episode of the America series, asks:
- What is poverty? Who are the poor? Why is there poverty?
This episode presents both the scale and scope of poverty and underscores how the poor are
not only victims of injustice but leaders in the effort to end it — and to envision alternatives.
From rural Aberdeen, Washington, where the community confronts crises of
opioid addiction, youth incarceration, and job loss, to
Flint, Michigan where poor mothers fight the forces
that poisoned their water, to the workers of Fight for $15,
who have built a national struggle for a living wage,
we meet some of the leaders of this movement and
see how poverty crosses the divides of race, gender, age, and geography.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Press stories about the MI Poor People's Campaign

Michigan is among 38 U.S. states, plus Washington DC, that are mobilizing with much intensity to participate in 40 Days of Action in the Poor People's Campaign. We kick off on May 14th at state capitols with campaign programs, rallys and non-violent direct actions.
These news stories from Michigan press report some of the reasons behind this historic campaign.
- Michigan Chronicle, "Poor People’s campaign leaders meet in Detroit today, address water shutoffs" (2/23/18)
- Detroit Free Press, "Detroit comeback is leaving poor behind, activists say" (2/22/18)
- WDET, "Poor People’s Campaign Wants to Look Lawmakers in the Eye" (2/5/18)
- PRWeb, "Michigan Poor, Disenfranchised To Join The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival: Poor People, Clergy and Activists to go to the Capitol, Demanding Moral, Just Political Agenda; Vow Historic Wave of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience, Direct Action This Spring" (2/4/18)
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Uniting a Movement - 'America Will Be' video
This is why millions of people across the U.S. from small to large communities and rural to urban areas are linking up to join the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Welcome to the MI Poor People's Campaign blog
We're pleased to announce this new Michigan Poor People's Campaign blog. On it you will find links for information about the PPC, weekly themes and Lansing logistical information about public events and actions, plus transportation support.
You'll also find links to non-violent moral fusion direct action trainings, plus arts and culture and weekly campaign teach-in materials. Several good press stories from Michigan and the National Poor People's Campaign press page can be found on the Media-Press page
After you take a look around, please go to the Join the PPC page to sign up. Have questions? Email the MI PP Coordinating Committee. See you in Lansing!
You'll also find links to non-violent moral fusion direct action trainings, plus arts and culture and weekly campaign teach-in materials. Several good press stories from Michigan and the National Poor People's Campaign press page can be found on the Media-Press page
After you take a look around, please go to the Join the PPC page to sign up. Have questions? Email the MI PP Coordinating Committee. See you in Lansing!

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