Please note that this week’s action will be on TUESDAY, May 29. Earlier calendars had shown the event as scheduled for Monday—our apologies for the confusion.
We are organizing for collective action across the nation to show unity across lines of division. This week’s theme is: The War Economy: Militarism and the Proliferation of Gun Violence.
The schedule for Tuesday, May 29 is as follows:
11:00 am People trained and ready for Direct Action will gather at First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI with their support people. They will engage in further training and action planning from 11:00-12:30.
12:00 pm Gathering and registration for rally participants (those who will be witnessing but will not otherwise be involved in the direct action). This will also be at First Presbyterian Church, 510 West Ottawa, Lansing MI.
12:30 pm -1:30 pm All participants, lunch and pre-rally, at First Presbyterian Church
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm March to the capitol building and rally.
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Non-Violent Moral Fusion Direct Action at the capitol building.
[Please note: Only those who have been trained will be participating in the Direct Action. The rest will stand with our brothers and sisters, while they take action. There will be another Direct Action training in Detroit on June 9. Please register here and the location of the event will be sent to you.]
- Detroit: If you need a ride, please sign up here
- Washtenaw County: If you need or can offer a ride, click here.
- PARKING - No parking is available at First Presbyterian Church; however, ample free parking is available at Union Missionary Baptist Church (500 S Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, at I-496), where shuttle service will be provided to transport people to First Presbyterian Church on 510 W. Ottawa and back to the parking after the rally / action.
- There are also many pay-for-parking structures in the Capitol area. Click this website for maps and information about parking from the State of Michigan: http://www.capitol.michigan.
- LUNCH - Bring a bag lunch if you can; light lunch food will also be provided. Please bring monetary donations and food to share - boxes of single serve bags of chips, granola bars or other snacks, bags of apples/oranges/bananas.
- WATER- Please bring a refillable water bottle with you. We will have water coolers for you to refill your bottle onsite. A limited number of disposable cups and refillable water bottles will be available. In solidarity with those that do not have access to clean, safe water, please do not bring any commercially bottled water with you, regardless of brand or source.
- ACCESSIBILITY- First Presbyterian Church is fully accessible. Our march will be about 4 blocks each way.
- CHAIR: Please bring a folding/bag chair if possible for yourself or to share at the outside rally.
- WEATHER- Prepare for Michigan weather: sunscreen, hats, umbrellas and raincoats.
- DONATIONS- There are many ways to show your financial support for the campaign:
- 1) There will be donation buckets at our events.
- 2) Checks payable to People’s Water Board - In the memo line, be sure to write MI PPC. Checks can be mailed to People's Water Board c/o EMEAC, 4605 Cass Ave Detroit, MI 48201.
- 3) Online donations can be made at MI PPC Online Donations – Please be sure to designate the donation is for MI-PPC.