Monday, June 18, 2018

Help us send a full bus to DC on June 23

Please help us fill up and/or pay for the bus from Detroit to DC on Saturday, June 23

To get on the bus for the Poor People’s Campaign Global Day of Solidarity Mass Rally click here.


Click here to sign up to be on the WAIT LIST to ride the bus. We are contacting registered riders to confirm they will travel. Will will notify you ASAP if seats become available.

The bus will leave Detroit for Washington DC on Friday, 6/22 at approximately 8pm, and will return to Detroit on Sunday, 6/24 at approximately 6am. This is a turn-around trip which means no overnight stay in DC. All riders must pay $25. (A toddler or baby who can sit on your lap is free.) Please take your own spending money for food and other purchases. SIGN-UPS ARE FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.

If you cannot make the trip please consider making a donation so that others, particularly those most impacted by poverty, can.

Online donations can be made at MI PPC Online Donations – Please be sure to designate the donation is for MI-PPC

Thank you for any and all support.